Dreamaway Fan Fiction
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I'd be ever so grateful

Believe it or not, I absolutely SUCK at anything and everything that involves computers, lol.  How did I get a banner?  Simple.
I have really cool friends. :-)
So, many thanks to Darby for designing this masterpiece, and many thanks to Sam for coding it for me. Y'all rock, but I bet you already knew that. ;-)
That said, here's the banner.  To link me, copy the code in the text box below the banner. 

Dreamaway Fan Fiction

Of course, now I'm even luckier, because not only do I have cool friends that make banners, but cool friends that make BUTTONS!  If you'd like to button me, you can choose between any of the three beautiful buttons below, all made by the lovely Em at Wakey Wakey. :)  Isn't she great?  Just save them to your server and link them back to http://dreamaway21.tripod.com . :)




if you link me, be sure to email your address so I can return the favor!