Dreamaway Fan Fiction


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Everyone's favorite questions and the basic need-to-know's...

1.  When are you going to update <insert story name>?
     The answer is always the same...as soon as possible.  I'm a slave to both inspiration and school (can you guess which one I like better?), so updates have a tendency to get sporadic, but I will NEVER abandon a story, and I am always thinking of the next update.  Although I do love getting asked...it's nice to know that someone's interested in the story
2.  How old are you?
     Young enough to be completely and totally mystified by five guys I will probably never meet, and old enough to know better. ;) 
3.  Who's your favorite Backstreet Boy?
     I realize that, given my stories and their content, all signs point to Nick, but the truth is that I don't have one.  I like Nick for his charisma and his boyish charm.  I like AJ for his endless energy and biting edge.  I like Brian for his carefree nature and his uncanny ability to make fun of us fans ('cause you know that some of us are just asking for it).  I like Howie because he seems genuine, and he's always so happy to be where he is.  I like Kevin because he's tall, he's dark, and he tries to act sophisticated but never fails to hide that kid inside him (see Never Gone liner notes).  I like the Boys because they're the Boys, and I can't pick a favorite. *sigh*
4.  Do you know the Backstreet Boys?
     No, I don't know the Backstreet Boys.  If I knew them, I'd be attempting to play Alli instead of writing about her. ;)
5.  Why is Alli such a smartass in Bed of Roses?
      Because I am. :)  I think that, in order to make the characters real, we have to put even the tiniest bit of ourselves into them.  As a result, Alli is a witty little girl.  Like me, she doesn't always know when to bite her tongue, but we all have our faults, right? ;)
6.  What's your favorite story that you've written?
      It changes from day to day, depending on where I am in each story, lol, but I love each of my characters like my children.
7.  Some of the stories on Daydreams don't have much to do with the Backstreet Boys.  Why is that?
     I have a very warped imagination.  The end. :)
8.  I have an idea for a really good fanfic.  Will you write it for me?
     No, because no matter how much heart I put into it, you will do a better job because it began as your story. 
9.  Will you host my story?
     No.  If you've been visiting the site for any length of time, you know that I hardly have time to post my own stories, let alone someone else's.  I'll give you a site on which you could get hosted, but I can't host you myself.  Sorry. :(
10.  Which character best represents you?
       Not sure.  If I COULD be any character, I'd be Taylor.  She kicks ass. ;)
11.  What is your favorite part of running a fan fiction site?
       Other than feedback? *shameless grin*  Kidding.  The people I meet.  It sounds incredibly corny, but, without a doubt, the friends I've made through this site are friends that I wouldn't trade for the world, and it constantly amazes me just how much of a community the fan fiction world really is.  I hope you guys know how utterly amazing you all are...I think the Boys would be proud of their fans for coming together, even if it is sometimes at their expense. :)  I know I'm proud to be a part of such an awesome group of people.

All questions above are quotations from one or more emails...thanks for feedback!  It NEVER fails to make me smile. :)